Pixel Beat

[147] Rain

Pixel Beat

About: The rainy vibes of numerous video game tracks set the tone for this latest episode. 

Artwork: Undertale 

00:00 - Beneath The Mask -Rain Instrumental Version- [Persona 5] 

by Shoji Meguro > 

04:27 - Rainy Scene [VM Japan] 

by Falcom Sound Team JDK > 

06:22 - The Rainy Ciry Svarna [The Alliance Alive] 

by Masashi Hamauzu > 

07:59 - Gentle Rain [Mother 3] 

by Shogo Sakai > 

10:41 - Rainy Knight [Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney] 

by Tomohito Nishiura > 

12:13 - After The Chaos and Destruction [Wild Arms] 

by Michiko Naruke > 

14:20 - Detention Center ~ Elegy Of The Security Guards [Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney] 

by Masakazu Sugimori > 

16:07 - Premonition [Undertale] 

by Toby Fox > 

17:02 - Tantal (Night) [Xenoblade Chronicles] 

by ACE > 

19:58 - Dragon Palace [Okami] 

by Masami Ueda, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Rei Kondoh, Akari Groves > 

22:21 - 5:00am (Rain) [Animal Crossing: New Horizons] 

by Yasuaki Iwata, Yumi Takahashi, Shinobu Nagata, Sayako Doi, Masato Ohashi > 

25:19 - Rain [Shenmue] 

by Yuzo Koshiro > 

26:20 - It’s Raining Somewhere Else [Undertale] 

by Toby Fox > 
